Our client, a cutting-edge embedded insurance solution provider, had struggled to find a qualified and experienced pricing hire for their team, both through their preferred supplier list (PSL) and through direct sourcing efforts. This challenge delayed their ability to expand their pricing department at a critical time when the business was growing.
Our expert in the pricing field, Stuart Daniel, quickly stepped in to offer the Gerrard White tailored recruitment solution. Stuart used his extensive network and market knowledge to identify three highly relevant candidates within just 24 hours. Within 48 hours, two interviews were scheduled, and with the client’s awareness of the candidates’ involvement in other processes, we moved swiftly through two rounds of interviews.
Within an impressive 10 days, the client extended an offer, and the preferred candidate accepted. This rapid turnaround allowed our client to continue their expansion plans without further delay, ensuring the pricing department was fully staffed with experienced professionals ready to contribute to their ongoing success.
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