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Essential CV Writing Tips and Interview Advice for Job Seekers

 At Gerrard White, we are dedicated to helping you advance your career with expert CV tips and comprehensive interview advice. Whether you're an experienced professional or just starting out, this career advice guide will help you write a standout CV, prepare for successful job interviews, and improve your overall job search strategy.

Read on for essential career tips on what to do and what not to do when applying for your next job!

Career Advice and Job Search Tips

CV Writing Tips: How to Write a Professional CV

Creating a strong CV is one of the most important steps in landing your next role. Follow these CV writing tips to make a great first impression on potential employers and increase your chances of getting an interview.

What to Do
  • Tailor Your CV: Every hiring company and job advert is different, with different skill, experience and qualification requirements. It is essential to tailor your CV for each job application to highlight your relevant skills and experience that match the job description to show why you're the best fit for the role and the company.

  • Keep it Concise: A professional CV should ideally be no longer than two pages. Focus on your most important achievements and accomplishments and keep it clear and to the point.

  • Use Action Verbs: Include dynamic action words and language such as "managed," "implemented," "designed," or "led" to make your CV more compelling.

  • Quantify Achievements: Where you can, include measurable results such as “Increased sales by 15%” or “Reduced project costs by 10%.” Quantifiable metrics show what you have delivered and will catch the employer’s attention.

  • Use a Clean Format: Make sure your CV is easy to read. Use clear headings, bullet points, and consistent font style and size for a professional look.

  • Highlight Core Sections: Prioritise your work experience, skills, and education. Mention any certifications or qualifications that add value to the job.

  • Proofread Your CV: Read and re-read your CV to check for any grammar or spelling errors. A well-written CV free of mistakes shows attention to detail and will fare better than a CV ridden with basic errors. It may be helpful to get another person to review your CV to check for mistakes that you may miss.

What NOT to Do:
  • Don’t Include Unnecessary Personal Details: Leave out information such as age, marital status, and photographs unless required by the employer or on the job advert.

  • Avoid Using Jargon: Keep your language professional and clear. Avoid overly technical terms unless they are relevant for the role that you are applying for.

  • Don’t List Generic Skills: Instead of vague statements like "hard-working" or "team player," use specific examples that demonstrate how you've applied these skills.

  • Skip the “References Available on Request”: It’s generally assumed you will provide references when asked, so there's no need to include this statement.

Interview Tips: How to Succeed in Job Interviews

Once your CV lands you an interview, you need to be well-prepared to impress the employer. Use these interview tips to make sure you’re ready to answer questions confidently and secure the job.

What to Do:
  • Research the Company: To perform your best in an interview, you need to know a bit about the company. Most companies will have a website or Linked In page, before your interview, familiarise yourself about the company’s values, culture, and latest developments. This helps you tailor your answers and demonstrate genuine interest.

  • Prepare for Common Interview Questions: Be ready to answer questions like "Tell me about yourself," "Why do you want this job?" and "What are your greatest strengths?" Practice concise, relevant answers.

  • Use the STAR Technique: For competency-based questions, apply the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to give structured, clear examples of your achievements.

  • Dress Appropriately: Dressing professionally is key to making a positive first impression, even if the company has a casual dress code.

  • Ask Questions: Toward the end of the interview, ask insightful questions about the team, company culture, or growth opportunities. This shows you're engaged and proactive. It is expected that you will ask questions as this validates your interest in the position and the company, prepare some questions in advance of the interview.

  • Follow Up: After the interview, send a thank-you email to express your appreciation and reaffirm your interest in the role.

What NOT to Do:
  • Don’t Bad-Mouth Previous Employers: Avoid speaking negatively about past employers or colleagues. Keep your tone professional and positive, focusing on what you’ve learned.

  • Avoid Rambling: Nerves can take over in interviews but it’s important to be concise and stay on topic. Practice summarising your responses to avoid going off-track. Take a deep breath and speak clearly to give you time to think about your answer.

  • Don’t Arrive Late: Punctuality is key. Aim to arrive 10–15 minutes early to demonstrate your reliability. Always plan your journey - if you are relying on public transport or driving to the interview, allow plenty of time for delays and traffic.

  • Watch Your Body Language: Maintain good eye contact, sit upright, and avoid fidgeting to project confidence.

  • Don’t Lie About Your Experience: Be honest about your skills and experience. Misrepresenting yourself could cost you the job in the long run.

  • Avoid Asking About Salary Too Early: Wait for the employer to bring up salary or benefits, ideally during the later stages of the interview process. If they don’t you can ask this question towards the end of the interview.

Download the Gerrard White Interview Guide

Interview advice

General Job Search Advice

Navigating the job search process requires more than just sending out CVs. Here are some general career tips to help you succeed in your job search and stand out to hiring managers and recruiters.

What to Do:
  • Network: Many jobs are filled through networking. Attend industry events, engage on LinkedIn, and reach out to contacts to expand your opportunities.

  • Leverage Job Portals: Sign up for job alerts on relevant job boards and company websites to stay updated on new vacancies.

  • Optimise Your LinkedIn Profile: Keep your LinkedIn profile updated with recent experience, skills, and achievements. Recruiters and hiring managers use LinkedIn to find potential candidates, so make sure you are visible.

  • Stay Consistent: Job searching can take time, but staying consistent will improve your chances. Keep applying and following up on promising opportunities.

  • Continue Learning: Whilst you are searching, upskill yourself with relevant online courses and certifications. This can give you a competitive edge, especially in fast-changing industries.

What NOT to Do:
  • Don’t Apply for Every Job: Focus on applying for positions that match your skills and experience. Tailor your CV and cover letter to each role for a higher chance of success.

  • Avoid Letting Your LinkedIn Profile Become Stale: Regularly update your profile and engage with industry content to stay relevant.

  • Don’t Get Discouraged by Rejection: Rejection is part of the job search process. Learn from each experience and keep pushing forward with your applications.

  • Don’t Burn Bridges: Whether you’re leaving a job or responding to a rejection, always stay professional. Maintaining good relationships is crucial for long-term career success.

Career advice and job search
Job Search Advice

Stay Focused on Your Career Goals

A successful job search starts with a well-crafted CV and confident interview performance. By following these CV tips and interview advice, you’ll be better prepared to land your next job. Remember to stay positive, keep learning.

As a specialist legal and insurance recruiter in the UK, our expert team can provide you with personalised career advice and support within those sectors. Whether you are actively looking or just weighing up your opportunities, get in touch.

Good luck in your job search!